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Dumping Ground Remediation
Southeastern Massachusetts


  • Excavation of approximately 35,000 cubic yards of soil and solid waste associated with a former dumping ground owned by the State of Massachusetts Highway Department.
  • Debris was sorted, disposed of as needed, and clean soil was used to backfill the excavation area.
  • The project was conducted based on an agreement between MassDEP and the Massachusetts Highway Department, which owned the dumping ground.
  • Portions of the excavated material were contaminated with metals, polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and other chemicals. Impacted soil was segregated, analysed , and appropriately disposed.
  • Backfill material was brought on-site to restore the area to pre-excavation grades.


  • Prepared detailed Health and Safety Plan and Dust Monitoring Plan for submittal and approval by the MHD.
  • Coordination with State and Local Regulatory officials.
  • Oversight including material tracking, sample collection for laboratory analysis, dust monitoring, and Site Safety during all site excavation activities.
  • Confirmatory soil sampling and analysis was conducted based on grid layout prior to excavation saving contractor signigicant time and costs.
  • Prepared and submitted Closure and Certification Report to MassDEP on behalf of contractor and MHD. Closure Certification was approved by MassDEP with no additional work required.