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- Vacant property was formerly used as a greenhouse. The greenhouses, which had been previously demolished, were painted with lead-based paint.
- Our Client desired to remove residual lead-based paint impacted soil prior to proceeding with future development options.
- The impacted area extended into a Bordering Vegetated Wetland necessitating approximately 2,600 square feet of wetland disturbance and replication of the disturbed area.
- Approximately 750 cubic yards of soil were removed and disposed off-Site at an in-State landfill.
- Preparation of Notice of Intent and Wetland Replication Plans, presentation to and approval from the local Conservation Commission. Prepare Construction Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan.
- On-site soil screening of lead impacted soils using an XRF Meter to help control the extent of excavation both horizontally and vertically.
- Collection of stockpile samples and post-excavation samples for laboratory characterization. Preparation of MassDEP Material Shipping Records for transportation and disposal of excess excavated soil.
- Long-term monitoring of wetland replication area.