Redevelopment of Former Dry Cleaning Facility
Amherst, MA

OHI completed the following activities at this former dry cleaning (1920-1974) facility undergoing redevelopment in Amherst, MA where Phase I Environmental Site Assessment had been conducted by others.
- Heating oil UST removal, impacted soil excavation, and confirmatory soil sampling after its discovery during foundation excavation.
- Removal of four additional USTs, impacted soil excavation, and confirmatory soil sampling after their discovery during foundation excavation.
- Soil recycling permit for soil containing heating oil and chlorinated solvents.
- UST Closure Report submittal to MassDEP.
- Phase II soil and groundwater sampling for petroleum, and VOCs/chlorinated solvents.
- Design and installation of two sub-slab depressurization systems and solvent-resistant vapor barrier to protect indoor air in the new building.
- IRA Plan and IRA Status submittals under the MCP.